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Thursday 23 December 2010

Sony PSP 2 Vs Nintendo 3DS

I will inevitably be doing another one of these blog posts once we get a more solid idea of what the PSP 2 looks like (that's a concept art above), what its specifications are and what it will be called officially (right now its codename is Veta.)

As I've read through different comments on youtube, different websites and so on a lot of PSP fans have been saying that they are jumping ship to join Nintendo.

Fanboyism is an odd culture in itself but it was still sad to see the PSP loose fans like that. The Nintendo 3DS was announced earlier this year and since then it has been kicking up a storm with gaming writers, fans and developers alike.

Its most notable features will be its 3D visuals, like Avatar, without the need for those dorky glasses.

It's a bit stupid to do a Vs post between rumoured specs and confirmed specs but I'm going to do it anyway.


The Nintendo 3DS is a huge leap graphics compared to the DS but not so much a big one compared to the PSP, as far as I've seen anyway. I haven't seen the 3DS in person and there have been a varying range of sources saying that its PS2 quality graphics and even some comparing it to PS3 graphics.

Don't hate me Nintendo fanboys, looking at the resident Evil screenshots I can see why some would see it as being on par with the home consoles but some games, Kid Icarus perhaps cannot be said to be comparable to home console graphics.

The PSP 2 however, according to developers,  is a pretty powerful tool. It will probably be graphically superior to the 3DS but Nintendo have shown that they don't put much care into graphics as they do gameplay. The Wii for example isn't even HD.

But it could be that the 3D visuals of the 3DS are what is going to make their graphics look pretty sweet and different.


As you can see the Nintendo 3DS has an analogue stick which very much lacked on the DS. This new edition will open up a wide array of gaming opportunities but a second one would have been nice. The 3DS does still have a touch screen so it doesn't matter too much.

The PSP 2 is rumoured to have two analogue sticks, something PSP players have been wanting for a long time.

Screen size is actually quite important to me which is why I loved the PSP and DSi XL screens. I understand that screen size has to be balanced out with portability but its a little saddening to see the 3DS screens are a little on the small side.

I'm hoping the PSP 2 will not let me down screen size wise.

Online Capabilities

The Nintendo 3DS has upped its online capabilities with its releasing of Spotpass and Streetpass. Spotpass is when the 3DS receives instant items for games or updates from Nintendo using WiFi.

It had been rumoured that 'big names' in the handheld business had been having chats with phone companies about 3g. Though it has turned out that the 3DS will not have always on capabilities I'm still holding out for the PSP 2.


I really wasn't going to do this category because it really depends on what you like. For some, a cute pink ball swallowing its enemies instead of blowing their brains out with an AK47 is fun. For others its babyish and the pinnacle of boredom.

The Nintendo consoles have had notoriously bad 3rd party support but they are changing all that with the 3DS, with hosts of great games coming to the console, for example, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and more.

The PSP had some great games but sometimes I felt like it was neglected and there were few 'hardcore' releases. Hopefully the PSP 2 will rectify this and make this the greatest age for handheld gaming yet!

Its really down to you who wins the fight, when we get some solid details about the PSP 2 the real battle begins.

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