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Saturday 25 December 2010

PSP 2 (Veta) Price?

Have a look at this -

DS - 130 million
Wii - 70 million
PSP - 60 million
Xbox 360 - 45 million
PS3 - 38 million

(These are the worldwide sales of the consoles, not exact but pretty much correct.

It cannot be a coincidence that the cheapest consoles have the most worldwide sales, while the most expensive have more modest sale figures. The PSP Go, with its $250 price got off to a very weak start with a lot of comsumers believing the price was a little step for the fact it couldn't even play UMDs.

As much as I love Sony consoles, Nintendo have always had the price advantage. The price being an important thing to consider when buying a console. The general consensus is that Nintendo's next handheld console will be priced at around $250. I believe that if Sony want to 'dominate' the handheld market they will have to stay within $300 or I can see another 'PSP Go catastrophe' happening.

But with all this talk of the PSP being a graphical powerhouse and having a processor more than half the power of the PS3, $300 dollars seems unlikely. The analyst we love to hate, Michael Pachter, has commented that the PSP 2 can do well if 'the price is right.'

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