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Thursday 23 December 2010

Codename: Veta. Mission: To Dominate the Handheld Market

Cool, PSP 2 concept art

The PSP 2 (codename Veta) will be the next edition to the PlayStation Portable series. According to Sony and other technical communities the PSP 2 will be so powerful that it could stand proudly with home consoles such as the 360 and Sony's own PS3.

The PSP 2 will be so powerful that it will dominate the handheld market and put its competition to shame. I am however skeptical, Nintendo and Apple have shown that power and graphics are not what win the handheld race.

The PS3 has more graphical power than the Wii but the Wii has more worldwide sales. The PSP is left way behind the DS in sales and I can only hope that Sony has more up their sleeve than 'sexy' graphics if they want the mission to be a success.

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