All the PSP 2 News, right here!

This blog has the news reviews, rumours, videos and pictures relating to the PSP 2.

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Monday 27 December 2010

Could the PSP 2 look like this?

That is one sexy pic!
This is not an official picture of the PSP2 (Veta), its just a fancy mock up of the leaked pictures of the PSP 2 dev kits being distributed to developers. To view that pic head to the PSP 2 Tech Spec page.

It seems to be that the next in the PlayStation Portable generation is going to look more like the PSPGo than the original PSP. Even if these aren't the official pictures the PSP 2 will probably end up looking something like this.

I hope that is does because that is one smart looking piece of technology, however, maybe its just me but I wish the controls were laid out a bit more like its big brother the PS3 with the analogy lower. Its not a big problem but it would be nice.

The screen size on this thing looks amazing and if the HD rumours are true then we will definitely be looking at some beautiful visuals.

Let me know in the comments what you think.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Want a PS2 TV?

Yup, you didn't read wrong, I really mean a PS2 TV.

It seems that Sony has a lot of those PlayStation 2s still knocking about and fitting with the season of being 'green' and recycling everything you can now get your hands on TVs with the PS2 inbuilt in them.

They're not crap TVs either, HD Ready proper LCD TVs. The Playstation 2 was a much beloved console with a host of quality titles. This will definitely appeal to the budget parents who can't afford the still very pricey PS3 and a HD TV.

The screen is 22 inches so its perfect for bedrooms and you can still plug in your PS3 and play that instead. This is the retro gamers dream! Check it out the link for the specs and price.

Saturday 25 December 2010

PSP 2 (Veta) Price?

Have a look at this -

DS - 130 million
Wii - 70 million
PSP - 60 million
Xbox 360 - 45 million
PS3 - 38 million

(These are the worldwide sales of the consoles, not exact but pretty much correct.

It cannot be a coincidence that the cheapest consoles have the most worldwide sales, while the most expensive have more modest sale figures. The PSP Go, with its $250 price got off to a very weak start with a lot of comsumers believing the price was a little step for the fact it couldn't even play UMDs.

As much as I love Sony consoles, Nintendo have always had the price advantage. The price being an important thing to consider when buying a console. The general consensus is that Nintendo's next handheld console will be priced at around $250. I believe that if Sony want to 'dominate' the handheld market they will have to stay within $300 or I can see another 'PSP Go catastrophe' happening.

But with all this talk of the PSP being a graphical powerhouse and having a processor more than half the power of the PS3, $300 dollars seems unlikely. The analyst we love to hate, Michael Pachter, has commented that the PSP 2 can do well if 'the price is right.'

Thursday 23 December 2010

Sony PSP 2 Vs Nintendo 3DS

I will inevitably be doing another one of these blog posts once we get a more solid idea of what the PSP 2 looks like (that's a concept art above), what its specifications are and what it will be called officially (right now its codename is Veta.)

As I've read through different comments on youtube, different websites and so on a lot of PSP fans have been saying that they are jumping ship to join Nintendo.

Fanboyism is an odd culture in itself but it was still sad to see the PSP loose fans like that. The Nintendo 3DS was announced earlier this year and since then it has been kicking up a storm with gaming writers, fans and developers alike.

Its most notable features will be its 3D visuals, like Avatar, without the need for those dorky glasses.

It's a bit stupid to do a Vs post between rumoured specs and confirmed specs but I'm going to do it anyway.

Codename: Veta. Mission: To Dominate the Handheld Market

Cool, PSP 2 concept art

The PSP 2 (codename Veta) will be the next edition to the PlayStation Portable series. According to Sony and other technical communities the PSP 2 will be so powerful that it could stand proudly with home consoles such as the 360 and Sony's own PS3.

The PSP 2 will be so powerful that it will dominate the handheld market and put its competition to shame. I am however skeptical, Nintendo and Apple have shown that power and graphics are not what win the handheld race.

The PS3 has more graphical power than the Wii but the Wii has more worldwide sales. The PSP is left way behind the DS in sales and I can only hope that Sony has more up their sleeve than 'sexy' graphics if they want the mission to be a success.

PSP 2 Likely to Be a Graphical Powerhouse

One thing that we can probably take for granted is that whatever the next hand held console in the Playstation line is going to be we know it will be powerful graphically.

And now maybe we can back up this assumption with a little bit of juicy gossip too. It could be that the highly popular PS3 game Uncharted could be making its way to the PSP 2. According to game magazine, Game Informer, it could be the case that Uncharted is going portable.

Uncharted is known for pushing the PS3 to its graphical limits so if this game is coming to the PSP then we know its going to be looking sweet. This also gets us thinking that graphically, the PSP 2 will be somewhere close to the PS3 which is very exciting indeed.

PSP 2 To Get Touch Panel and PSP 2 Blog Introduction

Welcome to the PSP Blog, where we will be discussing all the latest about the PSP 2. Follow us, so that you will be the first to know when it comes out and bookmark our Release Date page. You can also 'Like Us' on facebook which will really help us get the PSP hype to a wider audience.

I'm Destris and I cover all types of technologies, I'm hoping to get other authors for the blog once we establish ourselves a bit more.

The news of the PSP 2 is a bit scarce at the moment but we're committed to getting you whatever news there is. Introductions over let's get with the story.