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Friday 7 January 2011

PSP 2 (Veta) to come out Fall 2011?

With so many developers coming out and saying that they have tried out the new PSP 2 it seems that the console may be closer to announcement than we think.

The PSP 2 is rumoured to have a rear touch panel, power to match the PS3 and a high definition screen. It is also rumoured to be one inch bigger than the current PSP.

We can probably expect the PSP 2 to be announced this year in maybe February or March, and to be publicly shown off at this year's E3.

According to Kotaku the PSP 2 is set to be released this fall. This would schedule it to arrive not to far away from the launch of the Nintendo 3DS ( Nintendo's next generation handheld) which means there will be stiff competition.

Christmas 2011 is going to be very interesting indeed.


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